
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
/387/ Get Fungal to Save Culture ft. Lias Saoudi (Fat White Family)
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Why are the kids taking less drugs?
Can we respond to our nihilistic times with nihilistic art?
What is the nature of conformity today?
How to challenge conformity without sneering at the masses?
Is there a romantic revival going on? Why is Lias interested in Ivan Illich?
If living cheaply in big cities is now very difficult for artists, will something new emerge from the provinces?
Ten Thousand Apologies: Fat White Family & the Miracle of Failure, Lias Saoudi & Adelle Stripe, White Rabbit Books
Punk's spirit is broken, Lias Saoudi, UnHerd
Is modern medicine making us sick?, Lias Saoudi, UnHerd
Forthcoming album: Forgiveness Is Yours
/353/ Bunga Sells Out ft. Jason Myles - on music and the spectacle
/359/ Apollo Gets High ft. Benjamin Fong - on drugs in America

Monday Jan 29, 2024
Excerpt: /386/ Reading Club: Globalisation (III & IV)
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
- How important was the neo-cons' Project for a New American Century?
- What were the long-term consequences of the Iraq invasion?
- What do we make of Arrighi's theoretical account of imperialism and the tension between territorial and capitalistic logics?
- Did the USA represent a "world state" after WWII, and how did it fail?
- What is the world-historic meaning of China’s development?
- Do we buy Arrighi’s attempt at a Smithean vision of inter-civilizational harmony?
Adam Smith in Beijing:Lineages of the Twenty-First Century, Giovanni Arrighi
/305/ Techno-Feudal Unreason - on 'political' capitalism and plunder
/250/ Oil & Disorder ft. Helen Thompson - on imperialism, the world system and energy
/195/ No Shock China ft. Isabella Weber - on China avoiding neoliberal shock-therapy

Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
/384/ Millennial Rule ft. Amber A'Lee Frost
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Tuesday Jan 23, 2024
Why "millennial"? Does it make sense to talk in generational terms?
What are the left's "perversions" as Amber sees them?
'Occupy' was all leaderless, horizontalist crap. Why did Amber stick around?
Bernie Sanders did not leave an organizational legacy – why?
After the failure of left-populism, in US and Europe, was it all worth it?
At patreon.com/bungacast we continue discussing the problems of DSA, as well as look forward to the US election and ask whether there's a vibe-shift at Davos.
- Dirtbag
- OK Bunger! The Problem of Generations (5-part Bungacast docu-series on generations)

Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
/383/ Stare into the Abyss with Us ft. Juliano Fiori
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
What was humanitarianism, and why was it the "last utopia"?
What does humanitarianism look like in an era of multipolarity?
Does Western liberal democracy have any gas left in it? What should we defend?
What politics are generated by the prevailing sense of anxiety and melancholia?
If modernity is over, do we need to reject all progressivism?
And how do we orient around catastrophe without falling into the trap of emergency politics?

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Excerpt: /382/ Death of the Millennial Left ft. Chris Cutrone
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Why define it as the "Millennial" Left?
Was the anti-Stalinism of leaderless protests a good thing?
Did the talk of "winning" from 2015 onwards represent maturity?
Should the turn to a more public, statist capitalism make us more optimistic?
How will the 'lawfare' used against Trump play out?
The Millennial Left is dead, Chris Cutrone, Platypus
The Death of the Millennial Left: Interventions 2006-2022, Chris Cutrone, Sublation

Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
UNLOCKED: /373/ Take a Stand: Be Neutral! ft. Lily Lynch
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
Tuesday Jan 02, 2024
- Why did Sweden and Finland give up decades of neutrality - and why now?
- What happens with an enlarged alliance in light of the conflict in Ukraine?
- How does the current moment compare to the apogee of the Non-Aligned Movement?
- Why were the realists right?
- How is tech mythology helping to build 'digital nationalism'?
- Why is there beef over grain between Poland and Ukraine?
- And what the hell are the "skin suit of social democracy" and the "Waluigi of neutrality"?
Joining the West, Lily Lynch, Sidecar
The realists were right, Lily Lynch, New Statesman
The EU’s great power delusions, Lily Lynch, New Statesman
Guns, grain, and history, Lily Lynch, New Statesman
Tech-Mythologies, Lily Lynch, Sidecar
Imperfect Unity, Lily Lynch, Sidecar
![[FROM THE VAULT] /104/ The Aristocracy of Finance ft. Alexander Zevin](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2148233/Economist_cover_abb_300x300.png)
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
[FROM THE VAULT] /104/ The Aristocracy of Finance ft. Alexander Zevin
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
On The Economist and the contradictions of global liberalism.
Alexander Zevin joins us to discuss his work on the 176 year history of the magazine that has accompanied liberalism's global expansion. Has it just reflected the world or has it actually influenced politics? How has The Economist balanced democracy against the interests of finance and the needs of empire? And is the magazine suffering from N.O.B.S.?
Subscribe: patreon.com/BungaCast
Running order:
- (06:02) Overview & early days
- (29:52) 19th century & empire
- (34:18) 20th century, esp 1930s and '40s
- (48:08) End of the Cold War and NOBS
- (01:02:19) Liberalism & its enemies
![[FROM THE VAULT] /44/ Neoliberal Order Breakdown Syndrome (N.O.B.S.)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2148233/benormal_300x300.jpeg)
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
[FROM THE VAULT] /44/ Neoliberal Order Breakdown Syndrome (N.O.B.S.)
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
In which we lay the liberal establishment down on the shrink's sofa. It's a systematic analysis of liberal derangement: of the inability to accept, explain, or respond to the breakdown of the current order. Why can't the liberal establishment accept that the 2008 crisis would eventually have political consequences? Why can't liberals explain why they keep losing? Why can't they offer anything but more of the same?
- Incredulity and denial of political change
- Unwillingness to take responsibility
- Moralisation
- No belief in political causation (things just happen)
- Fetishising disinformation
- Elite persecution complex
- Hysteria & catastrophism
- Nostalgia for a very recent past & rewriting history
- Repetition compulsion
![[FROM THE VAULT] /74/ Order Not Freedom ft. Quinn Slobodian](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2148233/Habsburg_crest_300x300.png)
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
[FROM THE VAULT] /74/ Order Not Freedom ft. Quinn Slobodian
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
On the unexpected origins of neoliberalism. We talk to Quinn Slobodian, author of Globalists, about how neoliberals look back to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the League of Nations. Why does neoliberalism talk about freedom, but promote order? Is neoliberalism about more or less state - or is it about what kind of state?
Plus why the genuine neoliberals didn’t care about the Cold War and how Murray Rothbard laid the ground for Trump.
- Globalists, Quinn Slobodian
- Neoliberalism’s World Order, Adam Tooze
- Why I am not a conservative, F.A. von Hayek
- The EU is a betrayal of Europe’s exceptionalism, Douglas Carswell
Subscribe for access to the Synthesis Session, where the guys discuss the broader implications: patreon.com/bungacast
![[FROM THE VAULT] /161/ Culture is Bad for You ft. Mark Taylor](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2148233/cultureisbad-ig_300x300.png)
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
[FROM THE VAULT] /161/ Culture is Bad for You ft. Mark Taylor
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
![[FROM THE VAULT] /46/ Exiting Capitalist Realism](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2148233/timessquare2_h3kvcz_300x300.jpg)
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
[FROM THE VAULT] /46/ Exiting Capitalist Realism
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
The third in our Neoliberal Breakdown series. In which we discuss the late Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism, 10 years on. Does his analysis still hold? The mood music of the time - the age of 'TINA' and the end of history - was acutely described by Fisher. But did it only really describe Britain? And has the world now entered a new period?
Capitalist Realism http://www.zero-books.net/books/capitalist-realism
'Exiting the Vampire Castle' https://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/mark-fisher/exiting-vampire-castle
Mark Fisher's k-punk blog https://k-punk.org/
Cover image: 📸 Stephanie Jung
![[FROM THE VAULT] /136/ Banana Monarchy ft. David Edgerton](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2148233/bananamonarchy_300x300.png)
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
[FROM THE VAULT] /136/ Banana Monarchy ft. David Edgerton
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
Thursday Dec 28, 2023
On British decline.
Much ink has been spilled over the Britain’s fate since the end of its empire. Could it be that decline has been overstated? And what will happen to Britain as it leaves the European Union? We discuss how the history of the Industrial Revolution and Cold War militarism still shapes British politics today, as David Edgerton joins us to talk about the his latest book, 'The Rise and Fall of the British Nation'.
- A misremembered empire, David Edgerton, Tortoise
- Britain’s 20th-century industrial revolution, Colin Kidd, New Statesman (review of Edgerton's book)
- Britain's persistent racism cannot simply be explained by its imperial history, David Edgerton, The Guardian

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
/381/ Contemporary Art: Inane Spectacle & Pompous Discourse, ft. JJ Charlesworth
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Why is art no longer about beauty?
Are we stuck between art that is either superficial or hyperpolitical?
Why has there been a turn towards the mystical and irrational in art?
How are ideas of the indigenous and the ecological represented in art today?
Is there a romantic revolt against reason and is it new?
The Return of Magic in Art, JJ Charlesworth, Art Review
Gabriel Massan’s Decolonial Games, JJ Charlesworth, Art Review
The naked truth about Marina Abramović – her ‘art’ is a joke, JJ Charlesworth, Telegraph

Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Excerpt: /380/ Josephine’s Body Count
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Tuesday Dec 12, 2023
Why did Scott choose to focus on Napoleon's relationship with Josephine?
What is Scott trying to say, if anything, about Napoleon and the Napoleonic wars?
Where are the depictions of youth, revolution and modernity?
Are there any redeeming aspects to the film?
What do we make of Phoenix's portrayal?
Are we seeing the return of films about Great Men of History?

Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
/379/ Sexy Pictures of Taylor Swift (Not Brexit)
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Tuesday Dec 05, 2023
Why all the fuss for Brexit, when things have ended up the same as they were before?
Why Brexit when the same politicians are still in charge?
Why was no section of society able to lead Brexit with a positive vision of the future?
Did Brexiteers need a more concrete proposal beyond "democracy"?
What lessons can be learned from Brexit by others in the EU?