
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Excerpt: /378/ Reading Club: Globalisation (II)
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Saturday Dec 02, 2023
Are you 'Team Brenner' or 'Team Arrighi'?
Was neoliberalism a counter-revolution? A passive revolution? A restoration?
How does the depression of the 1870s compare to that of the 1970s or the post-2008 period?
What are the characteristics of our own Belle Époque (1993-2007)
What matters more in explaining the downturn: inter-capitalist global competition? Upward wage pressure? The role of the global South?

Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
/377/ The Locked-Up Country ft. Shahar Hameiri & Tom Chodor
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Was the pandemic another success for the 'lucky country'?
How was the Australian state transformed from the 1970s to the 2020s?
Why was Australia's pandemic planning inadequate?
What was up with the hotel-based quarantines?
Why did the public largely support these measure?
And what can the rest of the world learn from the experience?

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Excerpt: /376/ AufheBonus Bonus - Nov 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Excerpt: /375/ From Hyperliberalism to the Grayzone
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
- How does John Gray use Hobbes and the idea of a Leviathan?
- What is a "state of nature", and what would an artificial state of nature be?
- Is Gray right in this characterization of liberalism?
- Is hyperliberalism the product of liberalism's decay?
- What is postliberalism and how does Gray’s project fit with it?
Pseudo-Leviathans, George Hoare, Damage

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
/374/ You’re Gonna Need Representation ft. Vincent Bevins
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Why were protests in places that were so different all look so similar?
Why was there such a focus on spontaneity, leaderlessness, peformativity, and horizontalism?
What are some examples of the ways protests rejected representation?
Was class or generation more important in driving these protests?
Why did media becomes so important in pursuing political change?
How can we avoid a repeat of the failures of the 2010s?
If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution, Vincent Bevins, Public Affairs
The mass protest decade: why did the street movements of the 2010s fail?, Vincent Bevins, The Guardian
The End of the End of History: Politics in the 21st Century, Bungacast authors, Zer0 Books

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Excerpt: /373/ Take a Stand: Be Neutral! ft. Lily Lynch
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Why did Sweden and Finland give up decades of neutrality - and why now?
What happens with an enlarged alliance in light of the conflict in Ukraine?
How does the current moment compare to the apogee of the Non-Aligned Movement?
Why were the realists right?
How is tech mythology helping to build 'digital nationalism'?
Why is there beef over grain between Poland and Ukraine?
And what the hell are the "skin suit of social democracy" and the "Waluigi of neutrality"?
Joining the West, Lily Lynch, Sidecar
The realists were right, Lily Lynch, New Statesman
The EU’s great power delusions, Lily Lynch, New Statesman
Guns, grain, and history, Lily Lynch, New Statesman
Tech-Mythologies, Lily Lynch, Sidecar
Imperfect Unity, Lily Lynch, Sidecar

Monday Oct 30, 2023
Excerpt: /372/ Reading Club: Globalisation (I)
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
What's at stake in thinking of East Asian growth as a renaissance, or correction of the historical blip of European ascendency?
How compelling is the account of East Asian success as a fusion of industrious and industrial revolution?
Was Arrighi right to focus on the neoconservative Project for a New American Century?
What do we think about Adam Smith's account of different classes' capacity for political action
What's at stake in the revisionist view of Adam Smith as pro-state Enlightenment thinker rather than patron saint of the free market?
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The Left Hemisphere: Mapping Critical Theory Today, Razmig Keucheyan, Verso (2010)

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
/371/ The Milei Massacre Didn’t Happen ft. Ernesto Seman
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
What is 'Peronism' and how does it occupy so much political space?
How does Milei appeal to informal workers using market ideology?
What is distinct about Latin American populism?
How is anti-populism used to denigrate the masses?
What is the role of nostalgia for the golden age in Argentina?
In Chile and Argentina, anti-populist politics is failing, Ernesto Seman, FT
Breve historia del antipopulismo (Brief History of Antipopulism), Ernesto Seman
Ambassadors of the Working Class, Ernesto Seman
Javier Milei is not done yet, Alex Hochuli, Unherd
Javier Milei is not a South American Trump, Alex Hochuli, Unherd
/367/ Don’t Pay Them Back ft. Jerome Roos
/189/ Pink Tide Paradoxes ft. Fabio Luis
/93/ Hot Chile and Other Neoliberal Failures ft. Pablo Pryluka

Friday Oct 20, 2023
/370/ Dead Ends in Israel & Palestine ft. Alex Gourevitch
Friday Oct 20, 2023
Friday Oct 20, 2023
- why Hamas was becoming irrelevant and how the 7 October attack was an attempt to combat that;
- why violence is necessary but the Palestinians are in a catch-22;
- how the West is implicated in the violence and callousness on show;
- why the Palestinians are the most oppressed and forgotten people;
- why Hamas is not an anticolonial freedom struggle; and
- what is the right way to compare this to Ukraine.
- No end in sight: Israel’s search for a Gaza strategy, Lawrence Freedman, FT (attached)
- The House of Zion, Perry Anderson, NLR
- Whither Palestine, David Polansky, Strange Frequencies

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
/369/ Information-War and War-Politics ft. Jacob Siegel
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
- On disinformation: A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century, Jacob Siegel, Tablet
- A trap has been set for Israel, Jacob Siegel, Unherd
- End US Aid to Israel, Jacob Siegel & Liel Leibovitz, Tablet
- On data: The Nanny vs. The Nanny State, Jacob Siegel & John Robb, Tablet
- Manifesto Podcast, Jacob Siegel & Phil Klay

Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
/367/ Don’t Pay Them Back ft. Jerome Roos
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Tuesday Oct 10, 2023
Memoria del saqueo (Social Genocide), film on 2001 debt crisis and uprising in Argentina (many versions available online)
/83/ Now It’s Syrizous (episode on Syriza's defeat in Greece)
The World in One Country: Greece, Jonas Kyratzes (part of ep.200)

Monday Oct 09, 2023
/366/ Reading Club: Legitimacy (IV)
Monday Oct 09, 2023
Monday Oct 09, 2023
- Why the West's elites invented a permacrisis, Thomas Fazi, Unherd
- Welcome to the world of the polycrisis, Adam Tooze, FT
- Year in a word: Polycrisis, Jonathan Derbyshire, FT
- On the crisis of crisis: /327/ Capitalism on Edge ft. Albena Azmanova
- On the structural reasons why the regime survives: /246/ Why Isn’t There Revolution? ft. Vivek Chibber

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
/365/ It’s So Over (Again) ft. Ryan Zickgraf
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
- America's Politics of Nothing, Ryan Zickgraf, Compact
- After Anti-Politics: The Apeiron, Alex Hochuli, Sublation
- Everything is Hyperpolitical, Anton Jäger, The Point
- /361/ A Nightmare on the Brains of the Living ft. Benjamin Studebaker

Thursday Sep 28, 2023
UNLOCKED: /361/ A Nightmare on the Brains of the Living ft. Benjamin Studebaker
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Excerpt: /364/ The Eternal Sunshine of the Bourgeoisie
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
‘A deranged masterpiece’: why you should watch The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, Luke Buckmaster, The Guardian
What Have the Bourgeoisie Done for us Lately?, Stephan Bertram-Lee, Sublation
A Brief History of the Bourgeoisie, or We Are All Bourgeois Now, David Polansky, Strange Frequencies
The Bourgeois(ie) as Concept and Reality, Immanuel Wallerstein, New Left Review