
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Excerpt: /192/ Three Articles: Pandemic (Dis)Satisfactions
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Stayed home, live streamed, got the T-shirt, Lev Parker, The Conservative Woman
The Liberals Who Can’t Quit Lockdown, Emma Green, The Atlantic
Broad commodities price boom amplifies ‘supercycle’ talk, Neil Hume et al, FT

Monday May 10, 2021
Excerpt: /191/ Reading Club: Ever Closer Union?
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
We discuss the second of Perry Anderson's three LRB essays on the making and unmaking of the EU: "Ever Closer Union?"
Our monthly Reading Club is for patrons $10+. Sign up at patreon.com/bungacast

Tuesday May 04, 2021
/190/ Top 5 Fetishes ft. Elena Louisa Lange
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
On class reductionism, commodity fetishism, and value theory.
To discuss Covid, the state as 'PMC leviathan', and the politics of value theory, we’re joined by philosopher Elena Louisa Lange, who also explains why class reductionism is not a theoretical position or a mere mistake, but a social reality. We also address the value of 'going back to school', take on the new Leftist 'holy trinity' of class-race-gender, and hear from Elena why we need to theorise the world before we change it.
- The Middle-Class Leviathan: Corona, the “Fascism” Blackmail, and the Defeat of the Working Class, Elena Louisa Lange and Joshua Pickett-Depaolis, Crisis and Critique, 2020
- Marxism and the Crisis of Development in Prewar Japan, Germaine A. Hoston, Princeton, 1987
- Lawyer’s Fees, Beetroot, and Music, Elena’s Substack
- Value Without Fetish, Elena Louisa Lange, Brill 2021
- Marxist Class Theory for a Skeptical World, Raju J. Das, Haymarket, 2018

Sunday May 02, 2021
UNLOCKED /183/ Acid Bunga Bunga ft. Mike Watson
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
(00:04:15) - Interview with Mike Watson
(01:02:00) - 'Afterparty' discussion on what a counter-culture might look like today
Can the Left Learn to Meme? , Mike Watson, Zero Books
The Acid Left, YouTube channel
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin (pdf)

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
/189/ Pink Tide Paradoxes ft. Fabio Luis
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
On Latin America's progressive wave and its discontents.
A new book on Latin America argues that 'pink tide' governments tried to treat the symptoms of neoliberal capitalism while allowing the underlying situation to worse. We talk to the author, Fabio Luis, about cases across the region, including the election in Ecuador and Venezuela's disaster, to Bolivia's coup and Argentina's "path of least resistance". How important is regional integration and what does an alternative socialist vision entail? And we ponder a sad question: is the dream of development and modernisation over?
- Power and Impotence: A History of South America Under Progressivism (1998-2016), Fabio Luis Barbosa dos Santos, Haymarket
- /93/ Hot Chile and Other Neoliberal Failures ft. Pablo Pryluka Bungacast

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
UNLOCKED /179/ The Hobbyist Left ft. David Swift
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
A Left For Itself, David Swift, Zer0 Books
How the Left lost all purpose, James Bloodworth, Unherd
How not to be a white anti-racist, David Swift, Unherd

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Excerpt: /188/ The Huge Package State pt. 2 ft. Anton Jäger
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
On the end of the End of History and neo-feudalism.
This episode is for subscribers only. Sign up at patreon.com/bungacast
In a continuation of our discussion on the emerging transfer state, we ask whether the end of neoliberalism entails the end of the 'End of History'. What are the determinate features of the End of History that we are leaving behind? Which are still with us?
Also, what to make of arguments that our future is neo- or techno-feudal? Do these terms make any sense? Or is it better to think of two alternate futures: Japanisation or Brazilianisation?
- The End of the End of History, Bungacast, Zer0 Books
- Neofeudalism: The End of Capitalism?, Jodi Dean, LA Review of Books
- Neo-feudalism in California, Joel Kotkin, American Affairs

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
/187/ The Huge Package State ft. Anton Jäger
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
On cash welfarism and state investment. Plus regionalism in Belgium & the UK.
Anton Jäger is back on the pod to discuss the emerging 'transfer state'. We examine Biden's massive trillion-dollar spending plans and ask if this means we're leaving neoliberalism. What are the limitations to the 'cashification of welfare'? Also comparisons with cash transfers or lack thereof in the UK, Brazil and Belgium.
Plus Anton talks us through recent Belgian history and why its immobilism and bureaucracy has actually prevented a full-on neoliberal assault.
[Part 2 available at patreon.com/bungacast]
- “Welfare without the welfare state”: the death of the postwar welfarist consensus, Anton Jäger & Daniel Zamora, New Statesman
- Joe Biden Is a Transformational President, David Brooks, NYT

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
/186/ Aufhebonus Bonus ft. Lee Jones
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
How the pandemic has exposed Britain’s failed ‘regulatory state’, Lee Jones, Daily Telegraph
COVID-19 and the failure of the neoliberal regulatory state, Lee Jones and Shahar Hameiri, Review of International Political Economy

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
/185/ Discipline-Flourishing Democracy ft. Lee Jones
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
On the uprising in Myanmar, plus Covid state failure.
Southeast Asia scholar (and Bunga recidivist) Lee Jones joins us to talk about the coup in Myanmar (and why the word “coup” can be misleading), and explains the nature of the forces opposing the military, in the context of the country’s recent transition to civilian rule.
Then, from 40mins, we discuss how the UK failed in dealing with the pandemic, and how this applies across the West. Lee's recent work looks at the neoliberal "regulatory state" and its incapacities, so we compare the UK's failure with Korea's relative success.
- Preliminary thoughts on the Myanmar “coup”, Lee Jones, Medium
- Responding to the Myanmar coup, Crisis Group
- How the Civil Disobedience Movement can win, Aye Min Thant and Yan Aung, Frontier
- How the pandemic has exposed Britain’s failed ‘regulatory state’, Lee Jones, Daily Telegraph
- COVID-19 and the failure of the neoliberal regulatory state (pdf), Lee Jones and Shahar Hameiri, Review of International Political Economy

Friday Apr 02, 2021
Excerpt: /184/ Reading Club: The European Coup
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
We discuss the first of Perry Anderson's new essays on Europe published in the London Review of Books, which focuses on Luuk van Middelaar - described as the EU's first organic intellectual. We discuss what that means, as well as the role of the "coup" in forming the EU.
Reading Club episodes are for subscribers $10+. Sign up at patreon.com/bungacast

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Excerpt: /183/ Acid Bunga Bunga ft. Mike Watson
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
(00:04:15) - Interview with Mike Watson
(01:02:00) - 'Afterparty' discussion on what a counter-culture might look like today
Can the Left Learn to Meme? , Mike Watson, Zero Books
The Acid Left, YouTube channel
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin (pdf)

Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Excerpt: /182/ Three Articles: Sporno-Vaxxo-Techno-Populism
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
The rise of the technopopulists, Chris Bickerton, New Statesman (pdf attached)
Accelerating Decay, Wolfgang Streeck, Sidecar - NRL blog
Everyone is beautiful and no one is horny, RS Benedict, BloodKnife

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
/181/ Juche in North Britain? ft. Cat Boyd & David Jamieson
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
On the socialist case for Scottish independence.
David Jamieson and Cat Boyd, writers and hosts of Conter, the Scottish anti-capitalist website and podcast, join us to to talk about the prospects for Scottish independence in advance of the Scottish parliamentary elections in May. Would an independent Scotland within the EU be a contradiction in term? How would an independent Scotland fare - and what would it mean for the "national question" across Europe? And what's up with the factional strife among Scottish nationalists?
- Contercast, podcast hosted by Cat & David
- Independence Beyond Salmond and Sturgeon, David Jamieson, Conter
- The Origins of Scottish Nationhood, Neil Davidson, Pluto Press

Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
/180/ Bunga Bunga (but Gay) ft. Mark Simpson & River Page
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
On gay liberation and sexual politics.
After big advances over the past decades, we can now ask, did the gays win? And if so, so what? Mark Simpson in the UK and River Page in Florida join us to discuss whether something was lost in that victory.
We ponder whether gay politics was the original identity politics and what happens when a narrow focus on equality triumphs over liberation. Do sexual liberation politics have any future? Plus: how Blairism was the biggest drag act of all.
- Anti-Gay, Mark Simpson (Bloomsbury, 1996)
- Being Gay in the Thirties (Gay Life), documentary mentioned by Mark
- Trading in the Past: Queer London, Mark Simpson
- The Standpoint Bureaucracy, River Page, TwinkRev
- The Woke Resurrection of a Gay Sex Panic, River Page, TwinkRev